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Guests of Wedgewood

The members of Wedgewood Golf & Country Club extend a warm welcome as you prepare for your upcoming visit to our Club. To ensure your enjoyment along with that of our members and their guests, we bring to your attention certain aspects of decorum that we hold dear.


Proper attire must be worn at all times. The Board shall establish and enforce dress codes for the various areas within the Club. Members will be held responsible for the conduct of their guests and for any damage their guests inflict on Club property.
  • Gentlemen are to wear tucked-in collared shirts on the golf course
  • Shorts are to be no shorter than 3 inches above the knee, and cargo shorts are prohibited
  • Appropriate denim is approved in our dining areas only, and are not approved for the golf course or practice facilities
  • Gentlemen wearing hats are to be worn with the bills facing forwards, and should remove hats indoors, except in the Pro Shop or Men's Grill
  • Junior golfers must adhere to the same rules of attire as adults

In order to play golf at Wedgewood Golf & Country Club, a person must be a member or hosted by a member. Non-members are not permitted to make tee times.
All 18 hole rounds are expected to be completed in 4 hours and 12 minutes, or less.
As you approach the Clubhouse, please observe signs to note if Valet Services are open. We offer complimentary valet service and bag drop. This area can be found at the main entrance of the Clubhouse. The valet will serve as your area for bag drop as well.  Upon entering the Clubhouse, you will be directed to the locker room where you may change shoes and/or clothing, or to the golf shop where you may register for your round.
The golf shop is located through the double doors at the bottom of the stairs. Guests may use a credit card to purchase golf shop items.
All forms of smoking are not permitted within any of Wedgewood's facilities, including our dining Veranda. Smoking is permitted on the golf course. Smoking includes the inhaling, exhaling, burning or carrying of lighted tobacco, vapor and all forms of e-cigarettes.

Members are responsible for ensuring that their guests comply with this policy.

It is our expectation for all players is to assist in maintaining our superior course conditions by replacing divots, repairing ball marks, raking bunkers, and leaving the golf course as you enjoyed it.